The Grateful Scribe
Copywriting & Messaging Strategy
Hi, I’m Mary and one of the questions I’m asked most often (second only to “Do you ever post anything besides photos of your pets on social media?”) is, “Why are you the Grateful Scribe?”
The easy and truthful answer is that I’m thankful to be paid to write. But there’s more to it than that: I deeply appreciate the fact that I get to break the cardinal rule of not mixing business with pleasure. Writing is the reason why I landed on this planet, and it’s something I do even when I’m not “working.”
Basically, I have no off switch when it comes to wordsmithing, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Script Writing
Creative Catalyst
Don’t go it alone.
You know your business inside and out. And your involvement with every facet has made it a success. But being great at what you do doesn’t mean you have to do everything. Partnering with a professional can take your promotional efforts to a new level.
Why Work With a Wordsmith?
You have something to offer.
A product, a business or a special skill that you’re excited to share. And that passion will take you far, but your target market needs to want what you’ve got. You’re great at what you do, but bringing another brain into the mix can help you communicate for the results you want.
Author and cartoonist Robert Mankoff says, “It’s not the ink, it’s the think.” Your message could be ten words or ten thousand. It’s the consideration and care behind the craftsmanship that makes the difference between copy that grabs your target audience by the lapels and text that your coveted clients scroll right by.
Your mission matters. Make sure it’s in good hands.
I’m here to help!