Grateful Scribe Blog

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Your Biggest Competition

We all fall in different places on the scale of competitiveness.  Some are completely passive when it comes to keeping up with those around them. Others will knock their brains out trying to one-up anyone over things ranging from the obvious (career and monetary...

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To Reflect And To Serve

When I left my last corporate job almost six years ago, I thought I had the trajectory of my writing career all figured out. I had dreamed of making films since college, so that was first on the list (to date, I’ve been fortunate to have written and produced two:...

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An “ODD” Way to Defeat Procrastination

As a writer, I’m always looking for ways to improve my craft. Tell better stories. Write more engaging posts. Develop films that truly move people. But the fact is, it’s hard to improve your writing when you aren’t actually doing it. So, the other thing I’m always...

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What Good Is Guilt?

Okay, so I am one of those weirdos that actually likes grocery shopping.  I find it oddly therapeutic, and the people watching opportunities can’t be beat. So, one day this week after loading up my cart with an inordinate amount of healthy stuff, I decided the scales...

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Critiquing or Creating?

I still remember the day that I gave notice at my last corporate job.  I was nervous, shaky and borderline nauseous.  Yet I was also elated to be starting a new (and definitely comfort zone busting) stage of my life.  When I explained my situation to my boss, she was...

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Sticking To Your Story

“That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.” Normally, that phrase is said with irony after some outlandish statement.  (“This cake contains anti-oxidant laden dark chocolate, plus protein rich milk and eggs.  Therefore, it makes perfect sense for me to be shoveling it...

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Judging The Journey

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Mr. Emerson’s quote is famous for a reason. It really is an ideal way to see your existence.  Adopting a viewpoint like his makes it easier to handle frustrations.  To see great progress in small...

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Why Mini Is Mighty

A workout that consists of one push up. Reading 2 pages of a book.  Writing 50 words. Yes, those are actual daily goals. And believe it or not, they can lead you to exercising for 30 minutes a day.  Reading over 100 books a year.  Or writing multiple books of your...

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Rejecting Regrets

We all have a back catalogue of things we regret doing or saying. And unfortunately, it’s all-too-available for us to use against ourselves when Life uses our self confidence as a piñata. When we’re already low, our monkey minds go to town…blowing up minor missteps...

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Han Solo Was Right

I wouldn’t normally glean advice from a fictional intergalactic pilot with a gargantuan hairball as a sidekick. But I’ll take wisdom wherever I find it. In The Empire Strikes Back, Han – much to the horror of his shipmates – decides to shake off the Imperial fighters...

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Do You Really Have To?

The word “should” is often vilified, and probably with good reason. Most of the time, it conjures up more guilt than it does motivation.  Like, you should be exercising…but instead, you’re doing bicep curls with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. (Hey, that’s called...

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Perfection Paralysis

One of my favorite things to do is encourage people. Especially those with long harbored creative dreams. Probably because they are usually the first ones to sell themselves short. My mother was a beautiful poet. I still have one of her journals filled with some of...

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Advice Is Nice, But…

The poem below was written back in the day, for my husband (then boyfriend), Paul. Not long out of the military, he was struggling with wanting to make something of himself.  To be his own man, on his own terms…whatever that meant. Unfortunately, quite a few people in...

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Upended By Your Upper Limits?

I was really hitting my stride. Getting back to the novel that I had been dancing with for way too long. Ready to finally send out my first email newsletter for this blog.  Talking to my partner Curt about the post-production progress of our short film Waiting for...

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Trust Your Purpose

I am firmly convinced that each of us is here for a very specific reason. To share a precious gift with the world that only we possess. But how many of us act on that conviction? I’m not pointing fingers. Well, except maybe at myself. Because I have had a rich history...

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“You’re Not The Boss Of Me”

While I admit to being surgically attached to my Kindle, I still love an excursion to an actual bookstore. There’s really nothing like holding an old school book in your hand: leafing through the pages, admiring the cover art, daring the jacket blurb to draw you in. ...

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Giving Up? 3000 Reasons Why Not To.

A few years ago, I read an article about a 13 year old girl named Athena Orchard who died of a rare form of bone cancer.  I’ve never forgotten Athena, for a number of reasons.  First and foremost, the tragedy of her having such an unfairly short amount of time on this...

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Resisting Resistance

Today - okay, let's be honest here - the past two weeks I have done a truly masterful job of avoiding the rewrite on my novel. Everything from the grocery store to the dust bunnies under the couch clamored for attention. Throw in the adoption of a new puppy and...

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