Grateful Scribe Blog

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Eat, Drink and Be Merry…for Tomorrow, the Rules Will Change

I am officially done with my slavish monitoring of the diet and healthcare pendulum.  In the space of a week, I’ve learned that drinking too much water can kill me and that I’ll live longer if I stop waging war on my love handles and embrace those proverbial “last ten...

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Self Helplessness

Today is one of those days where nothing is really working. And when that happens, I generally go to my impressive (or actually obscenely large) collection of self help books, CDs, downloads, widgets, gadgets and cards and pluck something that I think is going to help...

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Where Are They Now?

I confess, I am a sucker for talent shows.  Okay, so they're cheesy, overproduced and hosted by vapid mannequins with serious self tanning issues.  But I can't help it.  Every time I see one of the hopeful contestants take the stage, I am drawn in.  Not just by their...

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When Life Imitates Art…And Breaks Your Heart

This morning I watched the rough cut of my new short film Waiting for Goodbye with tears spilling into my coffee. Being that it explores the feelings of a young woman as she spends her last morning with her beloved dog, I suppose my reaction was a good sign.  We were...

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Clutter vs. Keepers: 5 Books You’ll Never Let Go Of

“So,  how many of these will you ever actually read again?” my husband asked as he tripped over the stupidly huge piles of books obscuring the bedroom floor.  Considering there were more than I could count, I opted to plead the fifth. Like a lot of writers, I...

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Dare To Compare? Maybe Not.

“Comparison is the death of joy.” - Mark Twain I hate to admit it, but one of my worst habits is comparing myself to other writers…usually when I’m in the throes of fearing that I’m not good enough at what I do.  Of course, this is wildly unproductive, and I know...

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Mean Girls & Friendship: A Dog’s Perspective

I don’t have human children.  But if I had chosen that path, I would’ve wished for one just like my friend Amy’s daughter, Audrey.  She’s intelligent, sweet, hilarious, creative and can rock a pair of glasses like a mini Tina Fey.  And she adores the many four legged...

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Writing Past Rejection

Years ago when I was still a scripting newbie, I decided to enter a fairly well known screenplay writing contest.  One of the perks of coughing up the $50 entry fee was receiving an evaluation of your script by a professional screenwriter, so I was pretty excited...

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How I Got Here…In Spite Of Myself

When I sat down to write this first post, I’d thought that I was set on talking about the current state of my writing life. The novel whose characters seem to envelop me in a warm hug one moment, then kick me in the shins and run away screaming, refusing to cooperate...

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