Is Time On Your Side?

“You can make more money, but you can’t make more time.” I’m not sure who originated that quote, but I’d always accepted it as true. After all, there are lots of ways to create more cash. Invent something the world  can’t live without. Find a better job. Have a...

Critiquing or Creating?

I still remember the day that I gave notice at my last corporate job.  I was nervous, shaky and borderline nauseous.  Yet I was also elated to be starting a new (and definitely comfort zone busting) stage of my life.  When I explained my situation to my boss, she was...

Perfection Paralysis

One of my favorite things to do is encourage people. Especially those with long harbored creative dreams. Probably because they are usually the first ones to sell themselves short. My mother was a beautiful poet. I still have one of her journals filled with some of...

Trust Your Purpose

I am firmly convinced that each of us is here for a very specific reason. To share a precious gift with the world that only we possess. But how many of us act on that conviction? I’m not pointing fingers. Well, except maybe at myself. Because I have had a rich history...