What Good Is Guilt?

Okay, so I am one of those weirdos that actually likes grocery shopping.  I find it oddly therapeutic, and the people watching opportunities can’t be beat. So, one day this week after loading up my cart with an inordinate amount of healthy stuff, I decided the scales...

Critiquing or Creating?

I still remember the day that I gave notice at my last corporate job.  I was nervous, shaky and borderline nauseous.  Yet I was also elated to be starting a new (and definitely comfort zone busting) stage of my life.  When I explained my situation to my boss, she was...

Judging The Journey

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Mr. Emerson’s quote is famous for a reason. It really is an ideal way to see your existence.  Adopting a viewpoint like his makes it easier to handle frustrations.  To see great progress in small...