Listening With Dog Ears

One of my very favorite Far Side cartoons is the one where the guy is admonishing his dog, “Ginger, I told you to stay out of the garbage! I’ve had it, Ginger!” and all she hears is “Blah blah blah…Ginger…blah blah blah…Ginger!” I find it hilarious because – more...

Where Are They Now?

I confess, I am a sucker for talent shows.  Okay, so they’re cheesy, overproduced and hosted by vapid mannequins with serious self tanning issues.  But I can’t help it.  Every time I see one of the hopeful contestants take the stage, I am drawn in.  Not...

Mean Girls & Friendship: A Dog’s Perspective

I don’t have human children.  But if I had chosen that path, I would’ve wished for one just like my friend Amy’s daughter, Audrey.  She’s intelligent, sweet, hilarious, creative and can rock a pair of glasses like a mini Tina Fey.  And she adores the many four legged...